08445 852 195
Do you need help?
Our Waddesdon Support group is here to help you!
If you do require any help or assistance please call our dedicated helpline on
08445 852 195
We can help with collecting shopping, prescriptions or if you are feeling lonely, isolated or a little bit scared we have a friendly voice to have a chat with.
It doesn’t matter if you are old, young, living alone or with family. If you need our help just call…
08445 852 195

The Waddesdon Support Group (COVID-19) is a community initiated organisation that was created on 15/03/20 by a group of residents who were very concerned about the effects that self-isolation and the lockdown would have on vulnerable people unable to go shopping, collect prescriptions and other necessities. This project was co-ordinated and lead by the Waddesdon Hall for the benefit of all residents of Waddesdon and surroundings
The main activities carried out by the WSG:
Prescription Service
Shopping Delivery Service
Hot Meals Delivery Service
Be-friending Service
WSG have worked closely with:
The Waddesdon Estate (any printing, advice and support)
Waddesdon Surgery (coordination of picking and dropping medication & prescriptions requests)
Waddesdon Village Shop (shopping delivery coordination)
Care workers from Adults Care Management (professional advice)
The Rothschild Foundation (Hot Meals Delivery Service)
Community Coordinator for the Waddesdon area (future planning)
The Waddesdon Support Group is registered by the Buckinghamshire County Council as a support group in Waddesdon and has even been recognised in the Bucks Herald.

Prescription Service
Initiated: 13 April 2020
Prescription Service Volunteers
- Small group of volunteers who committed to support vulnerable patients in Waddesdon (and beyond).
- 1 of a team of 14 people attended the surgery every day to collect prescriptions and distribute them to patients in the village – this accumulated to 30
- 7 administrators supported the service, led by Chris Swatton in particular who played an essential role in managing the back office
- Twice a week prescriptions were also distributed to villages outside of
As of 29th June 2020
- Approximately 65 prescriptions have been delivered to patients
- Approximately 45 prescriptions have been collected and dropped to the surgery (including the returning of sharps, ).
- 32 separate patients were supported (around 10% of those aged 70+)
The Waddesdon Support Group prevented circa 110 visits to the surgery by vulnerable patients, thereby keeping them safe and reducing the possibility of surgery infection.
Volunteers also took the opportunity to do an informal welfare check on patients when collecting or dropping off prescriptions informing Waddesdon Support Group leaders where there were concerns.
One patient had had a bad fall and had been taken to hospital where she had a double hip replacement. The team was unaware and tried to drop off her prescription, when she didn’t respond, they checked with the support group leadership team who managed to contact a neighbour who confirmed what happened. The volunteers then checked with the surgery every day until the lady came home and made sure her prescription was dropped off that day. They also ensured any urgent pain medication was collected from the surgery and dropped to her immediately (outside of normal delivery times).
A further patient was experiencing high anxiety, a volunteer highlighted this to the support group leadership who reached out to contacts in the village who knew her so that she could have regular check-ins.
Some prescription volunteers ended up adopting some of the patients and their support extended beyond medication to shopping, sharing of books, sorting out technical issues and general befriending.
Engagement with the Prescription Service was also key for many of our volunteers – it gave them a sense of community and purpose during a time of great uncertainty where normal routines were disrupted. Being a volunteer can be as impactful on the volunteer as it is on the person they support.
Shopping Delivery Service
Initiated: 16th March 2020
Shopping Delivery Service
- Shopping requests were received by 1 of a team of 12 volunteers that manned the WSG phone system and passed the requests to dedicated group of street volunteers who committed to support vulnerable people in Waddesdon and surrounding areas: Upper Winchendon, Briar Hill Farm, Little Manor
- 1 of the street volunteers would take a request and then picked up and deliver the shopping to the person that requested it
- Shopping was delivered from Waddesdon Homeware
- Some of the shopping was done at supermarkets
- Circa 760 shopping requests have been delivered to people
- Circa 255 people benefited from this service
- 72% elderly people, 21% self-isolated and 7% vulnerable people
- 127 WSG volunteers were involved
When the lockdown happened, there were many people locked at home without access to online shopping. For some self-isolating people, the Waddesdon Support Group was the only one way to receive their basic grocery and provided much needed support.
The great volunteers of the WSG were at all times proactive and responded to every single request. Many of the volunteers stepped up to help their local community in these difficult times creating a feeling of security and action as some of the people were scared of the challenging situation and they needed assurance that they can control some aspect of their life.
Furthermore, the volunteers of the WSG were crucial in the development the Hot Meals service as they helped to recognise and identify elderly residents who would be eligible for the meals. The volunteers also recognised people needed a friendly person to chat to and in needs of receiving extra attention.

Meals Delivery Service
Initiated: 27 April 2020
Meals Delivery Service
- Meals were funded by the Rothschild Foundation & cooked at Waddesdon Manor Restaurant by five dedicated Chefs
- Dedicated group of volunteers who committed to support vulnerable people in Waddesdon and surrounding areas: Upper Winchendon, Briar Hill farm, Little Manor
- 1 of the volunteers picked up meals from a Manor Restaurant and brought them to the Five Arrows Car
- 4 of a team of 30 volunteers on Monday, Wednesday and Friday collected the meals from the Five Arrows Car park and distributed them to elderly and vulnerable people
- Circa 1380 meals have been delivered to people
- Circa 157 people benefit from this
- 80% elderly people, 16% self-isolated and 4% vulnerable people
The Waddesdon Support Group delivered meals to elderly and vulnerable people. The hot meals provided helped people to adjust to the new situation where shopping was very limited or for some not possible at the beginning of the lockdown.
People that relied on ready meals as their main meal couldn’t prepare hot food for themselves anymore, and the Manor meals were a much welcome saviour. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have any food, and for some of the elderly, especially those on medication, the hot meal was a crucial aid for their health.
A few people were self-isolating with disabled children and without any agency support, the meals helped them to keep their routines with the care, and did not have the added stress with dealing with basic needs such as a meal.